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Shipping Instructions


Canadian Grain

What is this?

Grain shipments originating in Canada may have several details that are required to better move and process the shipment. These details describe the product itself, how it was processed or can be processed, key reference numbers, where to group the cars and destination handling instructions.

When is it used?

Used for all shipments carrying grain whose origin and destination are in Canada or for export.

Information available

The following information can be provided in this block:

Information Required Notes
CGC Grain Code Optional 6-digit numeric assigned by Canadian Grain Commission.
Order Reference # Optional 6-digit numeric assigned by Canadian Wheat Board or GrainOps.
Cleaned / Fumigated Optional Indicate if the unit was cleaned and / or fumigated.
Machine Separable Optional Indicate if the product is machine separable.
Loading Week Optional YYYYWW car authorized for movement.
Car Block Size Optional 3-digit numeric: actual number of cars for shipment.
Incentive # Optional Authorized rate size of Incentive.
Producer / Dealer Optional Authorization number for producer or dealer cars.
Staging Area Optional Location assigned by GrainOps to group cars.
Terminal Elevator Optional The terminal elevator number used.
Direct Hit Optional Transport grain directly to a vessel.
Date Optional The date your shipment will be unloaded.
Inspected / Weighed Optional Has the shipment been inspected or weighed by the grain commission.
Marketing Class Optional The marketing class of your shipment.
Class Type Optional The class type of the marketing class selected.
Moisture Content Optional The percentage of moisture in the shipment.
Protein Content Optional The percentage of protein in the shipment.
Dockage Optional The percentage of dockage in the shipment.
Test Weight Optional The test weight percentage.
Bin Location # Optional Enter reference numbers for the shipment.
Milling in Transit Optional Enter reference numbers for the shipment.
CWB Permit # Optional Enter reference numbers for the shipment.
CWB Origin House # Optional Enter reference numbers for the shipment.
Run # Optional Enter reference numbers for the shipment.
Sample # Optional Enter reference numbers for the shipment.