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Shipping Instructions


Special Handling

What is this?

Describes special care required for a shipment. See also Perishable Protective Service.

When is it used?

Used for all shipments where additional handling and / or precautions are required.

Information available

The following information can be provided in this block:

Information Required Notes
Special Handling Optional Select handling instructions from the picklist.

Available Special Handling Selections Notes
Bill Consignee for Weight Charge Charges are applied to cars weighed en route by rail carrier.
Car cannot travel through US - Commodity ex Cuba Commodity is on embargo and is not permitted to travel through the US.
Do Not Divert Indicate if the shipment is not to be diverted.
Do Not Hump Indicate if the shipment is not to be humped in a hump yard.
Do Not Pool Indicate if the shipment is not to be pooled.
Excessive Dimensions Anything exceeding plate "C", dimensions must be specified and get clearances.
Export Commodity is destined for export via a port of loading.
High Wide Load Anything exceeding plate "C", dimensions must be specified and get clearances.
If Bad Ordered Notify Shipper If the shipment is bad ordered, the shipper appearing on the Shipping Instructions will be notified.
Moving Under "For Furtherance Instructions" Inform or advise 3rd party to handle via other means than rail to final destination.
Not For Export Indicate if the shipment is not for export
Notify Consignee Before Delivery The Consignee on the Shipping Instructions will be notified before the delivery takes place.
Shiftable Load Indicating that the shipment is a floating load.
Shipper Load and Count Indicate that the number of pieces has been provided on the loaded railcar.
Transit Shipment Indicate if this is a transit shipment.
Unload as Placarded Specify which side of the railcar is to be unloaded with a specific placard.