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Shipping Instructions


Recall Shipping Instructions

What is this?

The Recall function allows you to retrieve and print Shipping Instructions that you previously submitted to CN.

When is it used?

The Recall function is used when you need to review what information you sent to CN with the tool. You can recall Shipping Instructions that are up to 6 months old.

To Recall a Shipping Instruction record sent in the last week:

The picklist provided lists all of the Shipping Instructions you have sent in the last seven days. Simply select the record you wish to recall and press the "Display SI" button. The Shipping Instruction will be listed below and displayed in the original format. Use Control-P to Print.

To Recall a Shipping Instruction record sent over a week ago:

Use the "From" date & "To" date input fields to specify the dates of which you would like to retrieve a Shipping Instruction. All the Shipping Instructions that you sent between those two dates will be displayed in the picklist. Now, simply select the record you wish to recall and press the "Display SI" button. The Shipping Instruction will be listed below and displayed in the original format. Use Control-P to Print.

Picklist Shipping Instructions Example:

2003/04/05 10:34, CN 195234, AB12345, Cotton Bolls 0112915, Toronto, Atlanta, Correction

The records in the picklist display the following information:

Information Example
Date of when the SI was sent 2003/04/05
Time of when the SI was sent 10:34
Car initial and number CN 195234
Unique shipment id AB12345
Product Cotton Bolls 0112915
Origin Toronto
Destination Atlanta
If Correction was made Correction