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Shipping Instructions


Shipping Instructions Status

What is this?

Shipping Instructions Status lists all shipments currently on CN lines for which you entered Shipping Instructions.

When is it used?

Used to view the latest status of all shipments you sent to CN using the Shipping Instructions tool.

Column headings are:

Information Notes
Equipment ID The initials and number stenciled on the side of the equipment.
Shipment ID The unique shipment ID entered on the Shipping Instructions.
Shipping Date/Time Shipping date (ccyy/mm/dd) and release time (hh:mm) entered on the Shipping Instructions.
Pattern Name CN standard pattern or saved pattern name.
Origin Origin shipping location.
Destination Destination shipping location
Product Product name and additional description (first 50 characters)
Status The latest event reported
Date / Time The date (ccyy/mm/dd) and time (hh:mm) that the shipment was last reported.
Last Location The most recent reported location of the shipment.

Possible status events:

Event Description
Blank Waybill created, waiting start of trip
A Arrived at location
B Bad order (needs repair)
C Came in the gate of an intermodal terminal
D Arrived at final destination yard or terminal
E Exit the gate of an intermodal terminal
G Good reporting, after a bad order
H Hold status
J Junction delivery (interchange to another railroad)
M Motor carrier move
P Passed a station on a train (departure)
R Received at junction interchange from another railroad
S Stored
U Ramped, intermodal unit loaded onto a flatcar
V Deramped, intermodal unit removed from a flatcar
W Release by shipper (OK to move)
X Departed shipper, pickup or pull
Y Notification or constructive placement
Z Placement or delivery to consignee